Connor Pollock's Portfolio  

Resume: PDF


Token Hawk


  • This is a spiritual successor to NewT (see below). Scans for new tokens on Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum networks.
  • Features scam detection capabilities!
  • Subscribes to events on the blockchain, such as transactions, and provides live updates using the web interface.
  • Tools: TypeScript, Node.js, Express, Web3.



  • Fully functioning web implementation of the classic two-player board game Mastermind.
  • Features algorithmic guess-generator (that's pretty good at winning).
  • The nitty-gritty of the algorithms can be found in my essay, here.
  • Tools: Node.js, Express/Express-Handlebars, dragula (a JavaScript drag-n-drop library), Tachyons (CSS framework).

Article Recommender

username:, pass: password (I wouldn't do this IRL, don't worry)


  • Article recommendation website which uses user-picked (and, sometimes, user-defined) categories to display a feed to the user.
  • Features a tagging system which allows users to seamlessly add or remove article categories from the master list.
  • User can further filter articles by author and periodical.
  • Tools: Node.js, Express/Express-Handlebars, Vue/Vuex, MySQL/PhpMyAdmin, Bulma (CSS framework).



  • Screener for new cryptocurrency tokens on the Binance Smart Chain.
  • Monitors BSC blockchain for specific events (via BscScan API) that signal initial liquidity-add and collects basic information to display to the user. Provides links for common research tasks related to token as well as to the token's chart and PancakeSwap (the exchange on which the token can be purchased).
  • Uses websocket to communicate new results to the front-end webpage.
  • Tools: Node.js, (websocket library).

Covid-19 Map (Hackathon Project)


  • Hackathon project for the 2020 Beaver Hacks competition, which took place shortly after the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic in the US.
  • Provides an interactive map of the United States populated with Covid-19 case numbers by state (provided by the NYT Covid-19 repository), as well as the ability to explore Covid-related, geotagged photos from Flickr right on the map.
  • Also allows users to view a list of recent /r/Coronavirus posts for any given state.
  • Tools: Node.js, Parcel, Leaflet.js & Mapbox (mapping libraries) with OpenStreetMap and Maptiler as the tile providers, Flickr & Reddit APIs.



  • Basic shell utility written in C.
  • Runs built-in commands (e.g. exit, cd, status) as well as any external command located in PATH by forking off new child processes.
  • Capable of input and/or output redirection.
  • Tools: C, gcc.

Hash Map Concordance


  • Implementation of a hash map in Python as a word counter, returning a list of user-defined length containing the top words and their associated count.
  • The most common word in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is 'the' 😎.
  • Tools: Python.

Ethical Eating


  • Web application themed around making conscientious food choices related to water consumption.
  • Allows users to build custom recipes from a list of pre-determined ingredients and choose from a selection of appropriate swap-outs for each ingredient. After they've made their substitutions, they can save the new recipe to a 'recipe book' associated with their account.
  • Almonds are insanely wasteful.
  • Tools: Node.js, Express/Express-Handlebars, PostgreSQL.